Make Sandwiches in Advance

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How can I keep foods that should be refridgerated cold in lunches?

Make Sandwiches in Advance

The most time consuming part of making sandwiches for my son's lunch is getting out all the ingredients, setting them up on the counter, and putting them all away when I'm done. So why do that five nights a week? By making a week's worth of sandwiches at once (they can be frozen if you don't trust the refrigerator to keep them fresh), I save loads of time... Not only do I cut out the time spent making a sandwich, but when I go to pack his lunch all I have to do is grab the food and drop in in his lunchbox.



7/9/2006 8:59:08 AM
C.J. said:

Wow! I never thought I could pack a week's worth of sandwhiches in a day and keep them in the frig. I was afraid they'd get soggy.


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